run, rest, eat, bitch, buy things, cross-train, blog, repeat.

Monday, May 11, 2009


... seeking...

a running partner/drinking partner/best friend.

--Love running, beer, wine, golf, college football and basketball.
--Beat me in all competitions/bets.
--Continually insist that my chocolate chip cookies are the second best (not the best) you've ever had*.
--Have really cool friends that I can totally steal as my own.
--Turn down at least 75% of all the ideas that I come up with*.
--Get up earlier than you have to so that you can meet me for speed workouts, hill runs, or trails.
--Stand me up.
--Cheat on me.
--Show up to approximately 2 races a year still intoxicated from the night before.
--Tell me that I need to get my stomach issues worked out before the marathon after every long run because there is some magical cure-all for running trots that I just haven't come across yet*.
--Know every famous person/thing/statistic about your home state.
--Be willing to drive 2 hours or 5 hours to run a race (and have good music for the drives).
--Correct my grammatical errors when I'm drunk as shit, but leave plenty of your own*.
--Want to run an ultra.
--Want to BQ.
--Roll your eyes at me often. Like... SUPER often.*
--Live less than a half a mile from my house and right next door to a bar.
--Know when to wait for me, when I have aforementioned stomach issues on a long run (when in sketchy parts of town) and when to go on without me (when I insist for the 4th time. It truly is an exact science with me).
--Encourage me to order that 2nd round of irish car bombs or tequilas.
--Cause me to miss one race a year, due to extreme hungoverness.
--Bring a bottle of wine to drink after a race.

Not required, but a big plus:
--Have a 70+ bottle wine cellar.
--Have a garmin 305 (so, I don't have to).
--Always knowing the route or trail we're taking on a run, so that I don't have to.
--Be willing to walk up and down a random street in the rain looking in people's mailboxes with me for my phone.

I've avoided bringing it up (because once it's in writing, it's for reals, yo), but Vandy-Montana has left Nashville. As you can tell from above... I'm going to miss him (well...mostly...*). It's going to be a bit of an adjustment to go back to doing long runs, speed workouts and hills alone. And obviously, running aside, it's going to be a bit of an adjustment all around for me (my liver is probably happy about his departure, though).

And while I'm sad that we won't get to train for the next marathon together (at least not physically together)... I'm grateful that we did train for one together. And, I have to say... while I did run the half marathon and the marathon that I PRed in this spring, myself... I know that a part of that success was from training with such a good partner and close friend.

Thanks for all the fun times, dude. I'll miss ya, but I'll see ya in a couple of months.

*denotes all the comments that Vandy-Montana rolled his eyes at when reading.* (yup, he just did it, again).


Anonymous said...

Bummer. Can you look for a running group? I've made many of my best friends that way. I was going to suggest my bro, but he lives in Chi-town. Good luck!

April said...

awww...sad sad:( But your post was really good!

Old Man said...

training partners come and go, great post. if you find another with all of the above. WOW!

Spike said...

that was a wonderful post, sorry VM has gone away.

Chic Runner said...

Sad that VM left ya, but you'll find a new partner! :) Gosh, we could be partners with our bad bathroom problems ha ha. eeks.

Vandy-Montana said...

For the record, I probably rolled my eyes more than the number of times you think I did, and you probably just stuck your tongue out for no reason.

I'll be ready to kick your a@@ in a couple months, don't worry.

And if bathroom problems occur during the grizzly, you may be SOL. Don't know how many porta potties will be around...

Melanie said...

Aww, how sad. But hey, I should be back to good within a month or so (still building the mileage back up post-injury) so we should run together sometime!