Let me explain...
So... Thursday night a couple of my good college friends came into town for our annual "Tour of SEC Stadiums" weekend. This year, we picked Ole Miss (You can see the post about last years tour stop... Tiger Stadium here) which is about 4 hours from Nashville. We started the tour off right with dinner and beer at Mellow Mushroom and then more beers (and a pink shot of some sort courtesy of Vandy-Montana). Calorie count at this point... ummm... probably like 3000 for the day?

Lee Corso... right where he belongs... in front of garbage dumpsters.
Then it was time to head down to Memphis... where we would rendezvous with my co-blogger, April and her Husband Greg and stay the night with them. We got into town around 8pm and immediately went out for food and beer. Cheeseburger (in case you're wondering...) calorie count for the day... probably around 2500.
Saturday morning we get up at 5am and start to make our way down to Oxford. We stop at a Wal-Mart grocery store to pick up beer and tailgating supplies. Once we finally get to the cashier in the checkout lane... she tells us... "uhhhh.... you can't buy beer until 7am." Huh? "Are you serious?" we ask her. "Is she serious?" we ask each other. Fine... we decide to drive down the road a bit and just get beer along the way....
We get into Mississippi and get off the Interstate. Our exit just so happens to have a KFC and a Wal-Mart Supercenter. Perfect. We can get chicken and beer and get to Oxford by 8:00ish. Except... KFC doesn't open till 10:30... UGH. We go into Wal-Mart and find out that we can get some chicken tenders fried up there... but we also find out... that we can't buy beer until 8:00am. WTF?????? We figure this must be some crazy ass Wal-Mart rule and take our chances at a gas station right next to Wal-Mart. There is a lady cleaning the door and as we get out of the car, we immediately ask her... "Can we buy beer?" We wait with bated breath... fearing the absolute worst case scenario is about to happen to our tailgate... i.e. No beer. "Of course!" she says. High fives all around.
After some dirt roads (seriously) we roll into Oxford around 8:30 and get a sweet tailgating spot.
Sweet, sweet tailgating spot and set-up.
At the tailgate, I proceed to consume... biscuits, chicken tenders, beer, a banana, grapes, cookies, a cupcake, more chicken, and yes... more beer.
Behold... The famed Grove.
After packing up our tailgate, we walked through The Grove on the way to the stadium. And, I have to just say... it's something to see. I mean, you hear about it... but it's something you can't really explain. It's like a really expensive, classy carnival or festival or something. Tent after tent after tent lined up in an orderly fashion. It's not something that I would want to do for every home game (schlep your tailgating shit to and from... I'm more of a tailgate with your actual car kind of gal), but it was definitely something unique and awesome to witness.
I won't bore you with details about the game... except to say that we won!!! Boo ya! Finally got an SEC win under our belt for the season.
Singing the Alma Mater after the win.

Champions, indeed.
After another walk through the grove, we headed back to the car and drove home. Once we got to Nashville: Nachos and beer. Calorie consumption on Saturday: Ummm.. probably 3500?
Sunday morning... I did manage to get a nice 6 mile run in. Though, honestly... I should have ran 10 or so, especially since I had pancakes for breakfast, chips and queso while watching football, various cookies, and a portion of lasagna the size of my freaking head that day. Calories? 300oish.
Monday morning... again another run of about 6 miles... and this was the morning I dared to step back on the scales to see how much weight I had gained. I am sad to say... almost all of it! I had gained 4 pounds over the weekend. Did that stop me from eating Pancakes Monday morning, though? Nope. How about the leftovers of the lasagna from the night before? Ummm... nope.
I am officially back on track though and am back at 7. It's so frustrating though... how you can have one bad weekend of eating like Michael Phelps and wind up a bloated pig. Just goes to show that I must be diligent with this task. I'm hoping that by Monday or so, I'll be back down to 5.
I really wanted to keep this all from you. I wanted to not mention my gluttonous weekend and just pretend that everything was going well... but... I gotta keep it real.
despite the calorie intake, the tailgage looked awesome and lots of fun.
Way to keep it real.
At least you had fun!!
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