It's like Christmas time around my house and it's all thanks to kick-ass swag that I've been scoring. I love running swag-you know-free stuff that you get when you race. I've heard that it stands for Sealed With A Gift or Stuff We All Get...but either's free stuff. Even if it's something I won't use, it's still awesome. Why? Because it's free!
But what's better than running swag?
Surprise running swag!! Over the past few weeks, I have been receiving FedEx packages at my door from the
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. The box I got on Monday was the mother of all swag. It was the jackpot.
Check out this picture of all the swag from MMRF over the past few weeks:

I got: a moisture wicking race shirt, 2 t-shirts for my fans, 2 packs of Bam Bam blowup noise makers for my fans, 2 pair of socks, running stationery, a 26.2 sticker,
Marathon Method by Tom Holland, Body Glide, Propel, a Clif Bar, Sport Beans, lace securers and a special race bib.
Amazing. I love MMRF.
holy cow, motherload! nice score!
you could rob a running store and not get as much quality stuff as you did.
"Lee Corso... right where he belongs... in front of garbage dumpsters."
I laughed out loud, im too cool to type lol, when I read this! Goodluck with running for MMRF, I think that's great. You can't beat free running swag, it's like those easter eggs you find in the beginning of June...yes candy!! I am going toa dd your blog on my list so I remember to keep checking it, I've been slacking blogwise lately since I haven't ran in a coons age...time to revamp. Hope everything works out with your mamma and training stays legit. definitely hit the mother load of all swag...Cool!
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