Today we are pleased to introduce a new weekly feature....
The Weekly Pace Setter.
What is the Weekly Pace Setter, you ask? Well, I'm glad you asked...
We have really enjoyed getting to know our fellow running bloggers and keeping up with you on your blogs. You make us laugh, you inspire us, you encourage us, you educate us and most importantly, you keep us from getting too bored at work. Because we think you're so great, we'd like to spotlight one of you in a special interview post every Friday! The lucky runner/blogger will be deemed the Weekly Pace Setter. Basically, it's all about YOU!
To kick off this fun new weekly feature, we've decided to start with... ourselves (Did you really expect anything different?) So, this week, enjoy getting to know April a little better...

Flash…ok, no one calls me flash, but they should. My real name is April- Abril if you speak Spanish, Avril if you’re French and Ape if you’re in the “in crowd.”
Running in
26point2ers! (duh!)
I run in
New Balance and Mizunos.

I run...
To stay healthy and to keep my stress low and my sanity high!
I've been running for
Nine Years
I'm currently training for
Marine Corps Marathon 2008
Running Pet Peeve
People who run 5ks wearing those running bikini briefs.
Favorite Place to Run
Shelby Farms Park

Favorite Running Song/s
"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" Daft Punk
"Running Down a Dream" Tom Petty
"Thunderstruck" AC/DC
Favorite race
Country Music Marathon 2006

Short Term Running Goal
Be ready for the Marine Corps Marathon.
Long Term Running Goal
Run a race longer than 26.2 miles
Run a trail marathon
Run a marathon in all 50 states
Run a marathon in a different country
Favorite cross-training activity

“Run if you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, but just keep moving forward”
Dean Karnazes’s Dad
“What does not kill me makes me stronger” Friedrich Nietzche
“Anyone can run 20 miles. It's the next six that count.” - Barry Magee, marathon bronze in Rome, 1960
Proudest Running Moment
Finishing my first 26.2!!!
Best running advice you've ever received
The more you run, the more you can eat.

Espresso Love Gu and good ol' H20
Running Wish List
A treadmill
Want to Run in (or visit most)
Spain or Italy

Magazines you subscribe to
Runner’s World
Southern Living
Cottage Living
This Old House
(My little sis sells magazines every year for their high school fund raiser and I always buy tons…I’m such a good sister!)
Your CD player is currently playing
Death Cab for Cutie's latest.
Post Run guilty pleasure food
What is on your nightstand?
My Bible
The latest copy of Runner’s World
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
A picture of my mom and dad
A picture of my brother, Logan
An alarm clock that I don’t use (my husband works better)
A lamp
Thanks April! And stay tuned for more information about how you can become the next pacesetter!
Have a great weekend!
You inspire us all too! Have an awesome weekend!
April, you forgot to mention your supermodel career...wow, you've got some awfully creative poses! I missed the ones of you down the catwalk though...
That was wonderful, but how did you ever manage to escape that alligator's (or is it a crocodile) clutches?
Hope the weekend's long run went well.
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