run, rest, eat, bitch, buy things, cross-train, blog, repeat.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I'm Alive

Here I am... it's April 16th, so, I can hopefully get back to my regularly scheduled running and blogging.

There are a few things that I want to catch you up on...

First of all, on the way back from St. Louis, we ran out of gas. Like... stranded on the side of the interstate in Bumfuck, Illinois ran out of gas.
This is what sitting on the side of the road when you've run
out of gas looks like.

And this is what standing on the side of the road
when you've run out of gas looks like.

And this is how the situation rectified itself.

I actually thought it was hilarious and it really only set us back about 30 minutes. At least now, we will have something to reminisce about for 46 miles in the Grand Canyon. Doesn't that sound like fun, Melissa?

Last weekend I wanted to run 20 miles. Scratch that... I NEEDED to run 20 miles. We skipped out on my favorite Striders Run to meet up and run in Ashland City. Melissa, Liz, and I started and at first... things were okay.

But, here's some background... on Saturday, I ate the following: a cookie ice cream sandwich, a cookie at Jason's Deli, ice cream at Jason's Deli, strawberry cake and a couple of cookies after dinner. It was the type of day I dreamed of as a 9 year old girl. ALL THE SUGARS.

The irony is that I spent about an hour on Saturday going to two different grocery stores looking for a gluten free crust for pizza on Saturday night. Only to then eat a piece of cake after dinner, to which The KoB looks at me (again! this has happened before!) and says... doesn't cake have gluten? MOTHERFUCKER!

Despite the gluten... I had had entirely WAYYYYYY too much sugar on Saturday. And I just ate too much in general on Saturday. When I woke up Sunday morning, I couldn't even eat anything, because I was just still so full from the day before. To make a long story short, I had to turn around early and I had to get picked up from the highway because I couldn't finish.

I seriously thought I did.

I got home, showered, and laid in bed for an hour or so and started to get an appetite around 2 or so that afternoon. Lesson learned.

Anyway, now that busy season is over, I can breathe a bit and get back into my regular running routine. I am excited for that. I am trying to find a good race in August/Early September to try for a BQ attempt. Sadly, the race calendar is pretty skimpy on options. I have a lot of regret that I couldn't just woman up and stick with my training for another month or two, so that The Pig could be an honest shot. I feel like it's such a shame to waste the Spring... but on the otherhand, looking back, I think I might have died trying to fit regimented running into work this tax season. 

Oh well. It is what it is. And unfortunately (well... on second thought... fortunately. otherwise I'd be one broke ass girl) running doesn't pay the bills... but work does.


Carina said...

We ran out of gas on our Chirstmas vacation in 2012 and my husband's instinct was to walk to the exit and I was like uh, hello, it's not the 80s and we can call for help. The police sent some wrecker type vehicle that charged $90 to give us 5 gallons of gas, but when you're up a creek...
I firmly believe you have to live the 9 yr old self's dream sometimes. Ideally, not the day before a long run, but you know, even attempting a long run as busy as you were, you totally get a pass.
For that time of year, I've heard about Santa Rosa and/or something in South Dakota.

Amy said...

Yeah, we had just gotten off the phone with AAA when the state trooper pulled up and offered to take Jeff to the gas station. Let us use his gas can and everything! We were super lucky.

Yeah, I've done the half at Santa Rosa... not my ideal race. SD is a possibility though...

Unknown said...

It’s really annoying to run out of gas at the most inconvenient spots. Most especially when you're located miles away from the nearest gas station. It’s a good thing that the state police passed you guys, or who knows how long you might have been stuck there. :D

Kenny Isbell @ Apache Oil Company