Here is a pic of me after my first marathon... My Aunt is on the left, me in the middle (obviously) and my mom is on the right. This was April 2007.
I think it's crazy that about 23-24 years earlier this picture was taken of the three of us...
And not to take away from that big ass trophy my aunt is carrying... but, my mom had a second place ribbon that is pinned next to her bib number... if my brother hadn't interrupted the Kodak moment, she'd probably be displaying it...
One thing is certain... no matter how often I PR, no matter how many trophies and medals I win, I'll never be able to do so while keeping my hair as perfectly coiffed as they did. I mean, did they even break a sweat, for chrissakes?
Wow that is so cool! I agree- I don't know how they kept their hair looking soo good!
Whoa! How DID they do it? And it looks like they are still well coiffed in 2007.
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