Name: Danielle in Iowa
I run in: Adidas Supernova Cushion
Why you run: As an outlet for by obsessive compulsiveness
How long you’ve been running: 12 years now, even since my college squash coach forced us to.
Are you training for anything right now? Actually no! I have been a running slacker lately, so I am trying to ease back in without rushing it.But I have my eyes set on another marathon in 6 months or so.
Running Pet Peeve: A running friend who shall remain nameless has the habit of saying stuff like“I consider 10 minute miles as barely running.”
Favorite Running Song: Crystal Frontier by Calexico
Favorite race: Capital Pursuit in Des Moines
Favorite place to run: the country road near my house
Short Term Running Goal: to consistently run sub-10 minute miles
Long Term Running Goal: to finish a marathon without walking
Favorite Cross-training activity: biking, which I am actually much better at than running.
Favorite inspiring quote: inspirational? My running inspiration probably mostly comes from delicious chocolate products saying “Come eat me.”
Post Run Guilty Pleasure Food: Beef jerky!
Running Gear Wish List: A new Garmin (I go old skool with the 101) that does HR too.
Proudest Running Moment: finishing Grandma’s Marathon.
What’s the best piece of running advice you’ve ever received? I just read this over at Frayed Laces: “Beware of goals. They're kinda like zits. The more you pick at em and work at em, the bigger they get. And you are never satisfied with popping just one.”
Favorite Race Fuel: Clif Shot Bloks
Magazines you currently have subscriptions to: Real Simple
What is at the top of list for places you’d love to visit? South America
What is in your CD player right now? CD player? Who has one of those anymore? The last song I remember hearing on my MP3 player was Allison Krauss
What is on your nightstand? Some money, a necklace, and some candles.
I heard Grandma's Marathon is an awesome run, congrats on finishing it. And I know there is nothing like obsessively running to escape your obsessive tendencies. But they always seem to find the end of the run and just wait for me there.
for someone who complains about being a poor grad student a lot, it's interesting that you have money just lying around...
Just wanted to wish you the best next week at the Chicago Marathon. I’m anxiously awaiting lining up in Grant Park.
Below are some tips from your friends at Runners’ Lounge.
Rest up and run well!
Tips for the Final Week before the Marathon
Optimal Race Preparation
Common Race Day Mistakes
Tips for Being a Great Marathon Spectator
Executing Your Marathon Plan
Post Marathon Tips
Very good......
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